OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
1. Thoroughly clean and dry all components with water and soap (or appro
priate solvent).
2. Periodically check the cell assembly for leaks. Pressurize the cell and im
merse it in water. Look for bubbles.
3. If the regulator loses pressure or steadily increases pressure, replace the
seat assembly and diaphragm. Use the Regulator Repair Kit (#143-07).
Always replace the rubber diaphragm (#143-00-1, sold separately). To
replace the seat assembly:
a. Unscrew the spring case (housing cover). This may require a strap
b. Remove the spring case.
c. Remove the rubber diaphragm from inside the spring case.
d. Remove the thrust plate.
e. Using a wrench, loosen and remove the brass retainer.
f. The thrust pin and seat are now exposed. Remove them from the base.
g. Replace the spring.
h. Replace the seat holder.
i. Replace the thrust pin and the Teflon seat, which can be attached
before insertion.
j. Replace the brass retainer with a wrench.
k. Replace the thrust plate with the curved edges downward.
l. Place a new rubber diaphragm inside the spring case.
m. Replace the spring case and hand tighten.
#143-07 with #143-00-1