GA02329_002_03 - 01/2010 - © Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum
4.1 Operation
To avoid overloading the motor, do not start the pump more than 6 times
within one hour. If more than 6 starts per hour are necessary keep the pump
running and mount a valve which opens and closes into the intake line.
Take note of warning labels on the pump.
Pumping of non-condensable gases
If the pump system contains mainly non condensable gases, the pumps
should be operated without gas ballast.
If the composition of the gases to be pumped is not known and if
condensation in the pump cannot be ruled out, run the pump with gas ballast
valve open in accordance with section below.
Pumping of condensable gases and vapors
With the gas ballast valve open and at operating temperature, the Sogevac
pumps can pump pure water vapor up to the values indicated in the
Technical Data.
The gas ballast valve is open by a hand lever. The running noise of the pump
is slightly louder if the gas ballast valve is open. Before pumping vapors
ensure that the pump has warmed up for approx. 30 min. with closed intake
line and with open gas ballast valve.
Don’t open the pump to condensable vapors until it has warmed to operating
temperature (approximately); pumping process gas with a cold pump results
in vapors condensing in the oil.
For processes with a high proportion of condensable vapors, the intake line
should be open only slowly after reaching the operating temperature.
One sign of condensation of vapors in the pump is a rise of the oil level
during operation of the pump.
When vapors are pumped, the pump must not be switched off immediately
after completion of the process because the condensate dissolved in the
pump oil may cause changes or corrosion. To prevent this, the pump must
continue to operate with open gas ballast valve and closed intake port until
the oil is free of condensate. We recommend operating the pump in this
mode for at least 30 min. after completion of the process.
Daily ballasting is recommended when continuously pumping larger volumes
of condensable vapors.
In cycle operation, the pump should not be switched off between the cycles
but should continue to run with gas ballast valve open and intake port closed
(if possible via a valve). Power consumption is minimal when the pump is
operating at ultimate pressure.
Once all vapors have been pumped off from a process (e. g. during drying),
the gas ballast valve can be closed in order to improve the ultimate pressure.