TUF-2000F User Manual
(0) 4-20mA output mode (setup the output range from 4-20mA)
(1) 0-20mA output mode (setup the output range from 4-20mA, This mode can only
be used with Version-15 flow meter)
(2) Serial port controls 0-20mA
(3) 4-20mA corresponding fluid sound speed
(4) 20-4-20mA mode
(5) 0-4-20mA mode (can only be used with Version-15 flow meter)
(6)20-0-20mA mode(can only be used with Version-15 flow meter)
(7) 4-20mA corresponding flow velocity
(8)4-20mA corresponding heat flow rate
4mA or 0mA output value,
Set the value which corresponds to 4mA or 0mA output current (4mA or 0mA is
determined by the setting in M55)
20mA output value,
Set the value which corresponds to 20mA output current
Current loop verification
Check if the current loop is calibrated correctly.
Display the present output current of current loop circuit.
Setup system date and time. Press ENT for modification. Use the dot key to skip
the digits that need no modification.
Display Version information and Electronic Serial Number (ESN) that is unique for
each flow meter.
The users may employ the ESN for instrumentation management
RS-232/RS485 setup. All the devices connected with flow meter should have
matched serial configuration.
The following parameters can be configured: Baud rate (300 to 19200 bps), parity,
data bits (always is 8), stop bits
Select communication protocol.
Factory default is ‘MODBUS ASCII. this is a mode for MODBUS-ASCII,
Meter-BUS, Fuji Extended Protocol, Huizhong’s various protocols.
If you are going using MODBUS-RTU you have to select ‘MODBUS_RTU’.
AI3 value range.
Used to enter temperature/pressure values that are corresponding to 4mA and
20mA input current. The display values have no unit, so that they can present any
physical parameter.
AI4 value range.
Used to enter temperature/pressure values that are corresponding to 4mA and
20mA input current.
AI5 value range.
Used to enter temperature/pressure values that are corresponding to 4mA and
20mA input current.
Windows to setup the frequency range (lower and upper limit) for the frequency
output function. Valid range is 0Hz-9999Hz. Factory default value is 0-1000 Hz.
For Version-12, Version-13, Version-14 flow meters, you need a hardware module,
which shall be plugged to the Serial Expanding Bus, for the frequency output
function. Please remember to order the module if you need frequency output