Operating levels
Room sensor adaptation
The actual display can be varied by
5 K in order to adapt the room tem-
perature display to the installation con-
ditions or other thermometers. The cor-
rected display value is used in the
calculations for all relevant functions.
This parameter allows you to set
whether the current desired room tem-
perature is shown on the display.
Warm-up optimisation
Warm-up optimisation determines the
optimum advance time of start of
heating. The time advance ensures
that the heated rooms have reached
their desired temperature at the switch-
on times of the heating times.
Display: Last time advance required
Setting: Maximum time advance
Control I/0 <=> Proportional
Selection between two-point and pro-
portional control.
Heating mode starts if the actual tem-
perature drops below the room tem-
perature by the displayed amount [K].
If the temperature is exceeded by the
amount [K], Heating mode ends. A
minimum switch-on/switch-off time can
be set with the delay setting.
Heating mode is switched on for a per-
centage (50 %) of the adjustable cycle
time as a function of the deviation be-
tween the measured and desired tem-
perature of the room. The hysteresis
setting allows you to set an allowable
deviation from the desired tempera-
ture. This avoid short On times of the
No control function. The relais switches
only time dependent.
The controller can also be used for
controlled cooling of rooms. If the
"Cooling" function is selected, the con-
nected cooling system is closed if the
desired temperature is exceeded by
the set hysteresis and is opened if the
actual temperature drops below the
desired temperature. In Proportional
mode, the relay is also switched as a
function of the control deviation. The
greater the set desired temperature is
exceeded at the instant of computa-
tion, the longer the cooling system re-
mains active.
Telephone switch/window contact
Telephone switch: The controller
switches to Heating mode
for as long
as the contact between terminals 3/4 is
Window contact: The controller
switches to Frost-protection mode
for as long as the contact between
terminals 3/4 is interrupted.