• Very fast scrubbing can show bad colors. The image corrects after scrubbing completed.
• 4K ProRes PLAY scrubbing occasionally can cause jittery playback.
• In PLAY mode, after playing 4K ProRes clip, switching to RECORD mode without a clip selected in
the playlist occasionally will blank the OLED. Disconnect/reconnect input or cycle power to correct.
• PLAY mode audio occasionally out of sync.
• Playlist occasionally reports timecode as “00:00:00;00”. Eject and re-insert the SSD to correct.
• PIXEL ZOOM in PLAY mode, 1080i60 not supported & will blank image. Recording is unaffected.
Scrubbing RAW or DPX files occasionally causes the image to pixelate. The image corrects after
scrubbing completed.
FS700 2K RAW files occasionally show improper colors on initial selection of a clip. De-select and
then re-select the clip to correct.
FS700 RAW files occasionally show vertical line on right edge of frame. Recording is unaffected.
F700 4K RAW 50p files occasionally do not play back audio. Recording is unaffected.
FS700 RAW 30p and 60p files occasionally play with jitter. De-select and re-select to correct.
Recording is unaffected.
• Multiple clip playback not supported in RAW formats.
• Canon UHD RAW occasionally plays back black image. De-select and re-select to correct.
Recording is unaffected.
• 4K video currently supported over 4x SDI, not 2x 3G-SDI or HDMI.
• 1080p60 from Atomos or Blackmagic Design HDMI to SDI converters currently not supported.
• 1080p60 from Blackmagic Design cameras currently not supported.
Audio at the last few frames of an Apple ProRes 422(HQ) file occasionally records static. Add two
seconds of pre- and post-roll to shots to avoid.
• ARRIRAW 4:3 mode is currently unsupported.
• On FS700, occasionally when switching from “4K RAW->4K ProRes” to “4K RAW->HD ProRes” an
ERROR=8 message may occur. Cycle power to correct.
• PLAY Markers require use of CD ProRes Utility 1.4.4 to export to post.
FS RAW files appear green when imported directly into SpeedGrade. Pending Adobe update,
import via dynamic link from Premier.
• Canon Cinema 4K half RAW does not work in Adobe. Working with Adobe to resolve.
In Resolve 11 Lite, FS700 RAW (CinemaDNG) files that are underexposed may appear green when
using “Auto-Color” setting. Working with Blackmagic Design to resolve.
• Canon Half Raw 4K x 1080 is not supported
• Canon Half Raw 3840x2160 23.98-120 is not supported
• Remote Trigger is not supported at this time.
• Using HDMI source in multi steam viewing is not supported at this time.
• 720p 30 /25 is not supported at this time.
• 1080p50/60 support over HDMI is not supported, due to a hardware constraint.
• SD NTSC /PAL is not supported
• Recording in multi-stream in not supported at this time.
• User Loadable LUTs are not supported at this time.
Other flavors of ProRes are not supported at this time.
• File naming matching the camera in ProRes or DPX in not supported at this time.
• LTC timecode trigger is not supported at this time.
Adobe Premier FS700 Raw (CinemaDNG file support) is pending next update from Adobe to
correct issue with highlights turning to pink.
Adobe Speed Grade FS700 Raw (CinemaDNG file support) is pending next update from Adobe to
correct imported frames for showing as green. Also note that if files are first imported via Premium,
this circumvents this issues.
Resolve 11 Lite FS700 Raw (CinemaDNG file support) underexposed Images when using “Auto-
Color” may appear green. We are in contact with BlackMagic about this issue.