4 Proper Use
Instruction Manual SDI® 4 (G/54320/EN 0220 Rev01)
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Proper Use
These stereoscopic diagonal inverters SDI® 4m/4e/4c reverse the picture
of indirect monitoring systems (BIOM® 5, wide-angle contact lenses) true
to side for the human eye during minimal invasive posterior segment
The device must only be used by duly trained physicians and operating
theatre personnel, who, due to their training or their knowledge and
practical experience, can guarantee proper handling of the device. Only
OCULUS or an authorized dealer is allowed to train the personnel.
The SDI® 4 is designed for use in hospitals and clinics in conjunction with
the appropriate operation microscopes.
These operation microscopes must have been designated as adaptable by
the company OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH.
Make certain that the following connection types are used for the
power supply.
not known