Chapter 5: Serial ports
The PC–600 has four serial ports, COM1 through COM4. These serial
ports interface to a printer, terminal, or other serial device. All ports
support 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-bit word lengths, 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits, and baud
rates up to 115.2K.
All four ports are 8-wire interfaces. COM3 and COM4 can be jumpered as
RS–232, RS–422, or RS–485 interfaces.
All serial ports have the following specifications:
16550 compatible
16-byte FIFO buffers
IEC 1000, level 3, ESD protection
— Contact discharge ±6 kV
— Air–gap discharge ±8 kV
Backdrive protection
Up to 115.2k Baud operation
The following sections describe these ports in more detail.