Pan And Tilt Locks
The pan and tilt friction locks are operated by levers on the left of the head.
The locks should be applied whenever the camera/head is left unattended.
Rotate the pan lock lever clockwise (toward the front of the head) to engage
the lock.
Rotate the tilt lock lever counter clockwise (upwards) to engage the lock.
If the lock does not fully engage at the end of the lock lever travel, refer to
"Adjusting The Lock Levers" in the Servicing section below.
Pan And Tilt Fluid Drag
Both the pan and tilt mechanisms incorporate the OConnor ultra smooth fluid
drag system to ensure smooth movement. Control knobs on the right side of
the head are used to adjust the drag settings over the range of 0 to 9. The pan
drag knob is the smaller one at the base of the head. The larger tilt drag knob
is in the center on the tilt drag housing. To increase drag, turn the knob
clockwise, towards a higher setting. To decrease drag, turn the knob counter-
clockwise, towards a lower setting
The Balance Display
The balance display is enabled by the display actuator button. It remains active
for approximately 15 seconds after adjustment of the counterbalance crank has
Low Battery
The balance display will flash when the battery requires replacement.
(See "Battery Replacement" in the Servicing section below.)
Operator's Guide - OConnor 120EX Pan and Tilt Head
OConnor Engineering