2: Installation
Connect one arm (it doesn’t matter which one) of the bifurcated probe fiber to Ch1 LED and the
other arm to the Ch1 Detector on front of unit as shown below.
MFPF Unit Front Panel
Connect power cord from the power supply that came with your MFPF unit from back of unit to
an AC outlet. To check that the unit is receiving power, look for light glowing through the LED
#1 red cap, or place a piece of white paper in front of the LED if the red cap is not available. Do
NOT look directly at the light being emitted with the naked eye.
Use only the power supply that came with your MFPF unit. Using a different power supply
could damage your equipment.
Connect the MFPF unit to your computer using the USB cable.
The current version of the MFPF uses a USB connection with an emulated RS232 port. Before
starting the MFPF software application, you must identify the COM port number of the emulated
RS232/USB port.