PAMGuide provides several convenient calibration schemes. For SoundTrap data select the end-
toend calibration type and enter a system sensitivity of the calibration value * -1.0 (eg -176.0).
Audacity reports SPL in units of dB re full scale. To scale SoundTrap data use the following:
Value in dB re 1 uPa = audacity value + end-to-end calibration
For example, if the end-to-end value from the calibration sheet is 176.0 dB, and audacity reports a
level of -70 dB, the calibrated SPL is 103.0 dB re 1 uPa.
Calibration Tones
By default, a series of calibration tones will be audible at the beginning of each recording. These can
be used to check the calibration of the recording. After applying the calibration to a recording, the
SPL of the 1 kHz tone should be equal to the calibration tone level stated on the calibration sheet.
If the calibration tones are an annoyance, they can be disabled on the deploy tab. However, we
recommend keeping them enabled where possible as they provide a useful check of system
calibration and performance.
SoundTrap HF Click Detector (ST400HF Only)
The SoundTrap ‘HF Click’ Detector is a general purpose high fre
quency click detector followed by a
snippet extractor. The detector is designed to detect most odontocetes and is intended to be used
as a first pass, guiding you to times in your recordings with lots of transients. You would typically use
the detector with a low detection threshold so that it makes a lot of false detects but also detects
most genuine clicks (i.e., high sensitivity, low specificity). You then evaluate the reported detections
in Pamguard to reduce obvious false detects, to classify clicks into species groups, and to identify
bouts, as you would with a continuous wideband recording. The benefits of doing on-board click
detection are that you get much longer recording times from your SoundTrap and you can identify