2 rue Troyon 92316 Sèvres Cedex FRANCE
If more than 3 led circuits are out of work, the entire flashhead is off due however the 4-6 red indicators D6 to D12 still
blink and almost 1-3 power card/ projector need to be changed before light turns back to on
- Default of white led circuits: one or more indicators D6, D7 D11 is/are blinking red and some projectors are not
working in white
example: if luminous indicator D7 (or WHITE#2) is red blinking, disconnect the related green terminal of 2 led circuits and
plug it to the next power card close to it for example D8 (or WHITE#3) that is OK:
- If the luminous indicator D8 does blink also, the projector is defective and has to be changed
- If the luminous indicator D8 does not blink, the projector is ok but the power card of WHITE#2 is defective and has to be
- Default of red led circuits: D12 is blinking red: 3 or 6 projectors are not working in red
- If the 6 projectors are not working in red, change the power card or use a good power card taken from one of the 6 white
circuits and connect it to “red#1”). If still the 6 projectors do not work, it means that almost 2 projectors on each red led
circuit are defective. It is possible to connect 2 red projectors in serial instead of 3 on the power card #red1, test all
projectors 2 by 2 to identify the 2 defective ones
- If 3 projectors are not working, disconnect the defective circuit on the green connector of the power card #red1 and
connect it to the second green connector of the same power card #red1: If the 3 projectors are ok, change the power card
otherwise identify which projector out of the 3 projectors is not working : connect 2 projectors in serial instead of 3 until
finding the defective one
Warning: never test a good led circuit on a defective power card, this can destroy the leds, always test led circuit on a
good power card!!
Warning: never test a red led circuit on a power card connected to the white led circuit in day mode, the current will
be too high and may destroy the red leds!!
Section 5 : SPARE PARTS
Flash-head P/N:113731
Power cabinet P/N:113733U
Power card 48V
COMMAND-CARD-48VDC-6P-RW (dual color configuration by default)
Security switch and test button
Surge protection 230VAC DS215-230/G
110/230Vac Power supply
Photocell 48V
GPS (option)