2 rue Troyon 92316 Sèvres Cedex FRANCE
Section 3 : Principles of operation
The flash-head is powered in 48VDC+15%/-10% from an obsta power supply or any external DC power supply providing sufficient
power for the light.
3.1 Power cards
The power cards regulate the current of 2 led circuits. Each power card is connected to the command card on one side and 2 negative poles
of 2 led circuits. Positive poles of all led circuits are connected together
There are 6 power cards that control the current of 12 white LED circuits (negative poles are blue and white wires from each projector) and
1 power card that controls the current of 2 red led circuits (negative pole is yellow from each projector)
3.2 Command card
The command card is powered in 48VDC and monitors the power cards, set up the configuration of the light through dipswitch
(master/slave configuration, L-865/L-864 or L-865 or L-864) and in the event of failure, send back an alarm,
color flash-
setting can
be changed