2 rue Troyon 92316 Sèvres Cedex FRANCE
through the dipswitches 4, 5 and 6 from dual color to white only or red only
D6 to D15 luminous indicators on the command card:
D6 à D12 close to WHITE#1 to WHITE#6 & RED#1 : normally off and red blinking in case of default of power card
or 1 led circuit
D15 : normally green, off in case of alarm activated
when set-up in master mode (dipswitch n°1 on « on »), the command card creates a top sync pulse indicated by D14
and that can be sent for other flash-heads from terminal 1
when set-up in slave mode (dipswitch n°1 on « off»), the command card waits for a top sync pulse on terminal 3, D14
also blink at the same frequency
If no pulse is received from terminal 3, D14 is off and light flashes on its own at 15 fl per minute as per D13
Warning: In case changing master/slave dipswitch n°1 position, do not forget to change the position on the terminal
connection 1 to/from 3 of the pulse wire accordingly