As we have seen the standard circuit provides two outputs, one at +15V and one at -15V.
Both output voltages can be finely adjusted with just one trimmer. The -15V will
automatically track the output voltage on the +15V.
The output voltages are available from two screw terminal blocks. It is expected that each
terminal block will be connected to one Dizzy board. However, you can with care connect
more than one Dizzy board to each output block. We do not recommend that multiple Dizzy
boards be connected in daisy chain fashion. That is, each Dizzy board should go back to the
PSU separately.
* A wallwart is the vernacular term for a low voltage mains adapter that plugs directly into the
wall. These take the form of a black plastic block that is shaped like an oversized mains plug.
It is called a wart simply because its appearance is somewhat uglier than a normal slimline
** A linelump does the same job as a wallwart but it generally can handle greater currents.
Because of its increased size it cannot be made so that it will safely fit into a plug socket
directly. Thus the adapter sits in a black plastic box and connects to the wall via a cable and
traditional mains plug. It is therefore a black plastic lump connected to a line. The Yamaha
PA-20 and PA-30 are such linelumps.