Installation Procedure
Login to the installation machine as root.
Mount the ISO image on your machine.
# mount -o ro,loop MLNX_OFED_LINUX-<ver>-<OS label>-<CPU arch>.iso /mnt
Run the installation script.
Logs dir: /tmp/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-x.x-x.logs
This program will install the MLNX_OFED_LINUX package on your machine.
Note that all other Mellanox, OEM, OFED, RDMA or Distribution IB packages will be removed.
Those packages are removed due to conflicts with MLNX_OFED_LINUX, do not reinstall them.
Starting MLNX_OFED_LINUX-x.x.x installation ...
Installation finished successfully.
Attempting to perform Firmware update...
Querying Mellanox devices firmware ...
For unattended installation, use the --force installation option while running the
MLNX_OFED installation script:
/mnt/mlnxofedinstall --force
MLNX_OFED for Ubuntu should be installed with the following flags in the root
./mlnxofedinstall --without-dkms --add-kernel-support --kernel <kernel
version in chroot> --without-fw-update --force
For example:
./mlnxofedinstall --without-dkms --add-kernel-support --kernel
3.13.0-85-generic --without-fw-update --force
Note that the path to kernel sources (--kernel-sources) should be added if the
sources are not in their default location.
In case your machine has the latest firmware, no firmware update will occur and the
installation script will print at the end of the installation a message similar to the
Device #1:
Device Type: ConnectX-6 Dx
Part Number: MCX623436AC-CDAB
Description: ConnectX®-6 Dx EN adapter card, 100GbE, OCP3.0, With Host Management,
Dual-port QSFP56, PCIe 4.0 x16, Crypto and Secure Boot, Thumbscrew (Pull Tab) Bracket
PSID: MT_2190110032
PCI Device Name: 0b:00.0
Base MAC: 0000e41d2d5cf810
Versions: Current Available
FW 16.22.0228 16.22.0228
Status: Up to date