from Windows®9x/Windows®Me system before you
remove the existing hardware.
2. To added a new adapter, make sure the mainboard
that has available IRQ for new devices, and there is
no conflict between the others.
3. If you try add this video adapter to ALL-IN-ONE
mainboards (which video port built-in already), then
you have to disable that port first. Otherwise, that
will be a problem for the new video adapter setup.
4. The driver installation for upgrade system as same
as above, if error occur when you proceed step 1,2
or 3, please consult with your system dealer or the
existing hardware manufacturer support.
Windows® 2000 Display Driver:
Microsoft Windows®2000 detects this device and placed
appropriate display driver from its operating system
automatically, it doesn’t matter you have add a new or
change the existing one. To maximum the video board
acceleration and breadth its performance, you may
install the manufacturer display driver as the followings:
1. Insert the software’ CD into your CD-ROM drive
(e.g. X:).
2. Autorun file pops up “Welcome screen” from
software’ CD.
3. Click on the “Display Driver” selection bar.
4. Switch to “Settings” tab, then click on “ Advance”
5. Tab on “Adapter” screen, if there is any.
6. Click on “Change”, then “Have Disk”.
7. Browse to “X:\MX\Win2k\Jatonagp.INF (X is the
letter of your CD-ROM drive; typically, D: or E:,
etc.), and click OK.