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For a Master-Slave configuration, each ACU in the Master-Slave set will need to be configured
separately. When you add an ACU, the Master ID will default to 0 to indicate that it is a standalone
ACU. You will need to change the Master ID to a 1 for the Master ACU. When you add a Slave ACU,
use the same IP address as the Master ACU, but change the Master ID to correspond to the Slave
ACUs ID in the range of 2-4. When the ACUs are polled, the application will append the Master/
Slave ID to the Unit ID to make tracking easier.
The Hoffman A.C. Monitor application screen should look like the image above. Click the “Save
Configuration File” button to save the current air conditioner configuration.
Click the “Yes” button to save the current Hoffman A.C. Monitor configuration.
Repeat the above steps to add additional air conditioners to the configuration.