Intelligent Surveillance Solution
4. Configuration
By starting the system, you turn the computer into a live streaming
server; thus allow remote users to log on to the system.
Kill Client:
Highlight an IP address and click on the “Kill Client” button to
block a client from your system.
Kill All Clients:
By clicking on this button, you may block all the clients
logging to your system.
Stop broadcasting live stream video.
You may only adjust the setting when the server is stopped.
Assign a port for the clients to connect to your system to the network.
Maximum Connections:
Number of connections that are allowed to
connect to your system. Default is 16 channels and maximum is 128, one
camera video counts as one connection.
Use Default Web Server:
Activate the Web server by checking the box;
clients will be able to watch live video via Internet Explorer. The port for
live streaming server is set to 80 by default. (*must check this item for
system access via IE)
Save Log:
Save the log information at appoint folder.
Use Original Video for Megapixel IP Camera:
Check this box for original
megapixel resolution; otherwise, the resolution will be compressed for
better transmitting quality purpose.