You got your content ready, now it's time to plug and play!
Prepare your Crate
DDS contains your virtual record Crate. Send tracks from the Library to the Crate to start building
your set, just like pulling and tilting records. Refer to “Using the Library” section of this manual for
more details. You can do this (and the next step) well in advance if you want and as long as your
media is not write protected your Crate will be automatically saved.
Order it how you want
Refine your set by ordering tracks in the Crate - or if you prefer to pick out the next track on the fly
then you can. Use the Crate in any way that suits your style.
Cue tracks out of the Crate
Send tracks from the Crate to decks as needed. If your Crate is carefully ordered then DDS can
automatically cue the next track when a deck runs out. If you want to leave your set unattended
you can use a continuous mode to automatically play each track in turn. Refer to “Track Loading”
section for information on automatic track loading and playback.
Change the set any time you need to
The Crate is dynamic - change your mind at any time, insert requested tracks, re-order your set -
use the Crate as a tool to organise your performance.
Bypass the Crate for one-offs and last minute cues
You can send tracks from the Library direct to a deck if you want. This doesn't affect what's in the
Crate so you can mix your methods of working any way you like.
Perform the way you always did
Once a track is on a deck, you can cue, beat match, scratch and loop using familiar Numark deck
controls. DDS is fully multi-tasking, so you can work on your set using the Library and Crate at
any time, even while mixing on both decks.
Read on to learn how to get the most from your DDS!