The Library is a collection of tracks which you can browse or search in many different ways. DDS allows you to work
with several libraries at the same time, either by connecting multiple storage devices or by having multiple file
partitions on one device. Whether you prefer to work with one hard disk with all your tracks, or several flash memory
keys with different themes, the choice is yours.
To go back to the last Library position at any time, press and hold the LIBRARY button.
DDS works with most USB storage devices that support the Mass Storage Class standard. See “USB Device
Compatibility” section for full details.
Use your PC or Macintosh computer to copy your WAV, MP3 and AAC format audio files to your USB Storage
Device. If your tracks are well tagged, you need not organise these in any particular way. DDS will make it easy to
find the tracks you need. However, if your tracks are not well tagged, or if you prefer to access them by folders,
you should organise them in a way that makes most sense to you. Playlists in the format PLS or M3U will be
included in the library, if present. It's OK to have other kinds of files on the storage device - DDS will simply ignore
them. However, large quantities of unrelated files will slow down creation of the library so we recommend you use
devices that are dedicated to your audio collection.
When your collection is prepared, the next step is to build a library. To access your tracks quickly later, DDS will
take time to scan your device to note the tracks and playlists you have. The library is stored in a special folder on
the device titled ".library" which may be invisible depending on your computer settings. If you want to erase a
library, use the Librarian application or simply delete this folder, but in general you should leave it alone.
There are two ways to build a library: either on the DDS itself or on your PC or Mac using the Librarian tool.
Building with Librarian
The Librarian program, which runs on your PC or Mac computer, is the fastest way to build a library and offers
advantages such as building profiles (see “Profile View” section for details). Full documentation is included
with the program, which can be downloaded from http://www.numark.com/.
Building with DDS
If you need to build a library away from your computer, you
can use the DDS itself. If your storage device has a Write
Protect switch, make sure it is in the off position, then insert
the device into one of the USB ports. Take care to get it the
right way around - the connection should be smooth, do not
force it! After a few seconds the New Library dialog will
To build a library, select
. The process will take
anywhere from a couple of seconds to a few hours, depending
on how many tracks are on your device. While the library is
being built, you can play tracks from other devices connected
to different USB ports. Once the library has started building, a
progress bar will appear to show how much work is remaining.
If the device is full, you will be warned and it will not be
possible to build a library. If it is almost full, you will be given
the option to build a library but should be aware that you might
run out of space. In either case it is recommended that you
eject the device, erase a few tracks using your PC/Mac and
try again. In general, we suggest that you do not fill devices
beyond about 98% of capacity so DDS will have space for the
library and any playlists you may create later.
You could choose to skip building a library by selecting
. In this case you will be able to access the device
immediately but only with the Files view - you will not have access to the advanced search and browsing
features. This could be useful if the device is on loan to play a request, or if you don't have time to build a
When the library is built (or skipped) it is automatically loaded ready for use.