Each list is navigated using the Push Select knob in the usual way, pressing to move to the next level, or
selecting the Back option from the menu to move to the previous level. At the top of each intermediate list is an
option "All". This means "All Tracks at this Level", so for example could mean "All tracks by this artist" if you
previously selected an artist and are viewing a list of albums by that artist. Sometimes there will be an option
"<Unknown>" for content where the particular tag has not been filled in.
As an example, let's browse for some dance music.
. From the library top level select Genre, then move to
highlight and select Electronica & Dance.
. A list of artists with dance tracks will appear. Select an
artist from the list.
. A list of albums by that artist (and within the Electronica
& Dance genre) will appear. Select an album from the list.
. A list of dance tracks by your chosen artist (and from
the selected album) will appear. You can load the tracks to
either deck or send them to the crate.
Browse screens offer a set of menu options which refer to the currently highlighted item. If nothing is
highlighted, then only the
option is available; if the item is a collection of tracks then
to Crate
are also available; or if the item is a track then all options are available.
to A
Send the track direct to deck A
to B
Send the track direct to deck B
to Crate
Send the track or collection of tracks to the crate
Return to the previous level
Send the track or collection of tracks to a playlist
Get detailed info about the track
Please note that, as always, menu options to send a track direct to a deck are not available if that deck is
currently playing back. The deck will have to be paused before you can load a track to it.
You will have noticed that, unlike the search function, browsing offers the possibility to work with collections of
tracks at a time. For example, you could choose to send an entire album to a playlist, or an entire genre to the
crate. However, a collection of tracks can never be sent to a deck, which accommodates just one track at a
time. Use the crate if you want to play a collection of tracks in turn.
When you choose to send content to a playlist a list of playlists in the library will pop up. Move the highlight to
the playlist you want, and select
from the menu, or select
to change your mind. If there are no
playlists you must first create one using the
option from the top level of the Library (see Working
with Playlists below).
You may also use the convenient Letter Picker feature
to browse and navigate large lists in the Library more
quickly. Press and rotate (while holding in) the Push
Select knob to bring up the Letter Picker – each click
moves by one initial letter at a time and only letters
actually used in the list will appear. Then release the
Push Select knob to jump to the first entry with the
selected initial letter.