Acrylic Windows/Skylight
Keep your acrylic windows and/or skylight vent
looking and performing like new by using the
proper care, products, and techniques, and by
understanding a little about the material you are
working with. Acrylic windows and/or skylight
vents can be scratched with a rough cloth, harsh
soaps, or cleaning products and these must be
avoided. When cleaning a window/skylight vent
always remove as much abrasive dirt as possible
without touching the surface. It’s also a good idea to
remove jewelry, which can cause deep scratches.
Ideally this would involve flushing the surface with
water and allowing the accumulated bug residue to
soak, possibly with a mild dish washing liquid
added to the water. Use a non-abrasive soap or
detergent and water. Use a soft sponge, cloth or
chamois and rinse often to keep it free of grit. Wash
up and down or side to side, never in a circular
motion. After a final flushing with more water
carefully dry with a clean soft cloth, a good rule of
thumb is to gently (let the weight of the cloth do the
work) wick up the excess water on your first pass
which will also wick up any residual loose particles.
With windows, start at the top of the window and
work down turning the cloth to a fresh side after
each pass. Again, do not use a circular motion on
the windows/skylight vent. Acrylic Cleaning Kits
are available from your
nüCamp RV
Never use abrasive, caustic cleaners,
alcohol, or solvents as they can cause permanent
damage to the finish.
DO NOT use Windex as it will damage the acrylic.
Never use any petroleum-based cleaners, or caustic
chemicals on your windows/skylight vent.
DO NOT use WD-40 (as it is petroleum based).
Never use a razor blade, putty knife, or abrasive pad
to clean your windows/skylight vent. Do not use a
high-pressure spray nozzle when rinsing your
windows/skylight vent after washing. Avoid
washing windows/skylight vent in direct sunlight.
Freezing Weather
Vinyl seals around windows and doors should be
cleaned regularly and kept pliable by using a
silicone spray or lubricant. Follow the directions on
the product container. Keep screens, exit latches
and window slides clean and free of debris.
Periodically test the operation of all windows and
their components. If you are unsure about the
correct methods of lubrication and adjustment,
check with your dealer.
DO NOT cover emergency window(s). These exit
windows must remain accessible always. Be sure
all occupants and guests know which windows
the emergency exit windows are and understand
how to use them.
Frame/Extrusions/Aluminum Surfaces
Check the condition of the frame regularly. Keep it
clean and repaint as necessary, to help avoid rust.
It is especially important to keep underbody
components clean when driving your recreational
vehicle in the winter, in areas where road salts are
used. To help avoid surface pitting, clean and wax
all extrusions, when waxing camper sidewalls.
Special aluminum cleaners are available to restore
the original luster to aluminum surfaces. Be sure to
follow the instructions as outlined on the product
Inspect the roof components at least twice a year, it
is important to make sure seams and seals are not
cracked or worn. Proper maintenance of seals is
necessary to keep moisture from entering and
causing severe damage such as rot, mold, or
mildew. If you encounter dry, cracked or weathered
seals, reseal or replace as necessary. Check with
your dealer for the type of caulking required for
rubber roofs and correct methods of resealing or
replacing. A mild household soap solution and a
soft brush can be used to clean a roof.
If your roof should become punctured or ripped,
cover the puncture or tear to seal out moisture
and have it repaired immediately.