or drained. The display will automatically shut off
after 5 minutes in hold mode. To end the hold mode
before the 5 minutes is up, press any tank button,
and the display will shut off.
To read the battery voltage:
1. Press the BATT button and release it, the display
will show the battery voltage on the LED display.
2. If no other button is pressed, then the display will
shut down after about 5 seconds. If the BATTERY
button is held down, the display will continuously
recheck the voltage and show the updated value.
The reading may flicker back and forth between two
values, for example, 12.6 and 12.7 volts. This is
normal behavior for a digital voltage display.
3. If another button is pressed before the 5 second
time is up for the BATTERY button, the display
will immediately switch to showing the value for
the new button. The 5 second timeout is restarted
every time a button is pressed.
4. There is no hold mode for the battery voltage.
For more info, refer to the SEELEAVL II operator’s
Waste System
The waste holding system in your camper is made
up of sinks, shower, toilet plumbing drain and vent
lines, “gray water” holding tank, and “black water”
holding tank. The holding tanks make the system
completely self-contained and allow you to dispose
of wastewater at your convenience. A flexible sewer
hose is used to connect the holding tank outlet to the
inlet of an approved wastewater dump station or
sewer system.
The holding tanks are made of seamless plastic that
will not corrode. On most units with dual tanks, one
retains toilet waste and the other retains liquid waste
from the sinks and shower. Drain all wastes at an
approved site.
Waste Water/Holding Tanks
The waste water system in your recreational vehicle
can be described as two separate systems. A gray
water system that consist of the drain lines and
holding tank for waste water from the sinks and
tubs, and a black water system which includes the
holding tank and drain for toilet wastes.
Each system is self-contained and allows disposal
of waste water at designated dump stations at your
Residue in the drain water lines can also produce
odors. To combat gray water holding tank odors, an
approved deodorizing agent should be used. An
agent that dissolves grease and fats and contains a
detergent will help keep tanks and the lines clean
and free flowing. You can obtain the deodorizer at
most campgrounds and stores that carry camping
The toilet installed in your recreational vehicle is
connected to the pressurized fresh water system. A
single lever arrangement controls the flushing and
the flow of water into the bowl.
To add water to the toilet before using, lift
the flush lever until the desired water level is
reached. (As a rule, more water is required
only when flushing solids.)
To flush the toilet, push the lever all the way
down until the sewage leaves the toilet.
Release the flush lever. A small amount of
water should remain in the bowl.
Be sure to hold the flush lever down long enough to
release the contents of the bowl, but not longer than
necessary as this will result in excessive water
Unnecessary, frequent flushing of the toilet will
quickly deplete your fresh water supply and fill
your holding tank. If the black water tank becomes
full, you will no longer be able to flush the stool
until the tank can be drained. Be sure all occupants
and guests understand this operation.
Always use deodorizing agents specifically
designed for use in holding tank systems and a good
biodegradable tissue paper. These products are
available directly from your dealer or any store that
sells camping supplies. Never use chlorine or
caustic chemicals such as drain opener or laundry
bleach in your toilet.
Never allow foreign objects (non-dissolving items)
to be flushed through the toilet.
Don’t allow a problem to go unsolved. As soon as
you detect a problem, take the necessary steps to