RS232 commands do not support backspace, delete or up, down, left, right to make modifications. If you enter a command or
parameters incorrectly, re-enter the full command and parameters again on a clear line.
Parameters with gray shading require a reboot to take effect.
The maximum OSD_ON string is 30 characters per line, 127 characters total, and unsupported characters include:
comma sign
, colon
and double quotation marks
for unsupported characters, use the format \x## to (where ##
is the ASCII HEX code representation of the character).
\x0a =
line feed,
\x28 =
or left parenthesis character,
\x22 =
or left quotation mark character
>CMD_M861234> CHANNEL 12
(Set receiver where last 6 digits of the MAC Address is 861234 to Channel 12)
(HEX code: 3E 43 4D 44 5F 4D 383631323334 3E 20 43 48 41 4E 4E 45 4C 20 31 32 0D 0A)
<ACK_M861234< OK
(Receiver with last 6 digits MAC Address is F01234 response “OK”)
(HEX code: 3C 41 43 4B 5F 4D 38 36 31 32 33 34 3C 20 4F 4B 0D 0A)
(Set receiver which IP Address is to Channel 3
(HEX code: 3E 43 4D 44 5F 49 30413132 3E 20 43 48 41 4E 4E 45 4C 20 33 0D 0A)
<ACK_I0A12< OK
(Receiver which IP Address is response “OK”)
(HEX code: 3C 41 43 4B 5F 49 30 41 31 32 3C 20 4F 4B 0D 0A)
(Set receivers whose Group No is 34 to Channel 5)
(HEX code: 3E 43 4D 44 5F 47 3334 3E 20 43 48 41 4E 4E 45 4C 20 35 0D 0A) (No response will come from multiple receivers)
>CMD_ALL> OSD ON “Hello! \x28123\x29 \x22ABC\x22“ (Display
Hello! (123) “ABC”
on all monitors and send response)
(HEX code: 3E 43 4D 44 5F 41 4C 4C 3E 20 4F 53 44 20 4F 4E 20 22 48 65 6C 6C 6F 21 20 5C78 32 38 31 32 33 5C78 3239
20 5C783232 41 42 43 5C783232 22 0D 0A) (No response will come from multiple receivers)
(All receivers turn off OSD after 10 seconds)
(HEX code: 3E 43 4D 44 5F 41 4C 4C 3E 20 4F 53 44 20 4F 46 46 20 31 30 30 30 30 0D 0A)