Events to Log
The Events to Log page enables the user to specify what type of events sensed by the ENVIROMUX-MINI should be recorded in
the Log. The user can select each type of event that should be recorded and can change these selections at any time. Events
that can be logged include sensor readings, alert conditions, actions taken by the user in response to an alert, end of alert
conditions, and user logging in or out of the ENVIROMUX-MINI web interface. The log can also be disabled altogether.
Within the Sensor Readings section, the rate at which readings are logged can also be configured to either:
log the status each time the sensor reading updates internally
log the status every 1-999 seconds, minutes, or hours
log the status only if the status/reading from the sensor has changed
Within the Alert Conditions section, the user can choose the sensors whose alerts should be recorded, as well as whether or not
those alert records should be followed up with a record indicating the end of the alert condition.
Alert Actions (actions taken by the user in response to an alert), whether they are dismissed, or acknowledged, can be logged by
making the appropriate selection.
After selections have been made, press
to save them or
to start over.
Figure 21- Configure events to be logged
Log Methods
Within the Log Methods page (Figure 22), the user can define how, if at all, they will receive notification of events that are
recorded by the ENVIROMUX-MINI. The options are as follows:
– log entries are stored in the ENVIROMUX-MINI and are viewable from the user interface
– all log entries generated by selections on the “Events to Log” page are emailed to the email addresses indicated in
“Notify addresses”
– every log entry created is sent as an SNMP trap to the address in “Notify address"
he ENVIROMUX-MINI can send alerts as Syslog when a sensor enters/leaves alert mode, and for all log
events. Logs entries are sent to the address in "Notify address"
The field under “Notify Addresses” will contain the email addresses from the Email configuration page (with a maximum of 112
characters including commas). Similarly, the SNMP trap and Syslog destination addresses in “Notify Address” will contain the
corresponding destination addresses from the Network configuration page. All fields may be changed from this page as well.