Basic description of PCL series
(1) Count Method (PCL-240AK/240MK,3013,5022,6113/6123/6143)
This system counts the number of pulses used for acceleration (the number of pulses between FL and FH
speed). When the number of residual pulses is equal to this amount, the LSI starts the deceleration.
This method requires the (acceleration time) = (deceleration time). If you want to change the deceleration time
(if you want to have an asymmetrical pattern, you have to disable the auto setting of the rampdown start point.
In this case you will have to write a value into the rampdown point setting register, just like with the PCD series.
(This is generally referred to manual rampdown point setting.)
(2) Calculation Method (PCL-240AS/240MS,5014,5023,6025/6045B)
In contrast with the Count Method (1), this method always calculates the number of pulses required to
deceleration rate and stop. The calculated result is used as the rampdown point.
The advantage of this method is that the deceleration time can be different from the acceleration time.
(Asymmetrical speed patterns are possible) => This was designed for users who want the deceleration time
to be shorter than the acceleration time that would be set using the rampdown point auto setting function.
Count method
<Figure 4>
Counts the number of pulses
needed for acceleration,
Then, sets the same number of
pulses as the rampdown point.
When the number of pulses used for the
acceleration is equal to the number of
residual pulses, the LSI starts the
<Figure 5>
Start decelerating using the deceleration rate that is set.
Calculates the number of pulses needed to reach FL speed from the current FH
speed, using the current deceleration rate and use this value as the rampdown point.