5836 User’s manual (Short) ver.1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding sp. z o.o.
Description of playback buttons:
Pause/Play: pause the current playback image.
Stop: Stop the playing video.
Slow: Slow down the playback speed. (there are: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 times)
Fast: Accelerate playback. (there are: 2, 4, 8, 16 times)
Snapshot: You can capture picture in any playback channel.
Backup: You can backup the recording of any channel.
4.3. Backup
User may copy recordings to external storage devices or through the network. The NVR features the
possibility of copying the recordings to an external HDD connected via the USB, onto Flash
memories. NVRs allow to copy the recordings in following formats: AVI.
To start the BACKUP MENU click icon. Then following window will shown
Insert USB storage device, click Refresh to detect the USB device. If the USB device is recognized
normally, it will be displayed in the list, then select following:
Select a required channels
Select a date range filling FROM and TO range.
Set the desired USB device for the backup.
Choose the required file format.
Press START button, process bar will move forward until reaches 100%.
When it finish press UNMOUNT button and remove USB device.
Detailed information about configuration, service and installation of device is
available in full version of user's manual located on the www.novuscctv.com