NVIP-4DN2004H/IR-1P-II - User’s manual (short) ver 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
2.6 Security recommendations for network architecture and configuration
Below are shown security recommendations for network architecture and configuration
of CCTV systems that
to the
Internet to reduce
of unauthorized interference with the system by a third party.
1. Absolutely change the default passwords and user names (if the device gives this possibility) of
all applied network
(recorders, cameras,
routers, network
etc.) to the
severely complexity password. Use lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters
if there is such possibility.
2. Depending on the available functionality in the order to restrict access to the used network devices at
the administrator account level, it is recommended to configure the users accounts accordingly.
3. Do not use DMZ function (Demilitarized zone) in your router. Using that function you open the
access to recorder system from the Internet on all ports, which gives possibility for an unauthorized
interference with the system.
Instead of DMZ use port forwarding redirect only the ports which are necessary for the performance
of the connection (detailed information about ports of communication in different models of recorders,
cameras, etc. can be found in the operating instructions).
4. Use routers with firewall function and make sure it is enabled and properly configured.
5. It is recommended to change the default network communication port numbers of used devices
if there is such possibility.
6. If used network devices has a UPnP feature and it is not used, turn it off.
7. If used network devices has a P2P feature and it is not used, turn it off.
8. If used network devices support HTTPS protocol for connection, it is recommended to use it.
9. If used network devices support IP filtering for authorized connections function, it is recommended
to use it.
10. If used recorder has two network interfaces it is recommended to use both of them to physically
separate network for cameras and network for Internet connection. The only device in the system,
accessible from Internet will be recorder - there will be no physically access directly to any camera.