User’s manual ver.1.1 (short)
All rights reserved © AAT Holding sp. z o.o.
Analog cameras recording capacity table:
The size of the IP camera recording depends on the size of the bitrate set in the camera. The table
below shows an example of bitrate for IP cameras
“Total Recording capacity” = “Used space per hour (MB/h)” × “recording time” × “channel numbers”
For instance: computing space for 4 x cameras that are to record in WD1 with Lowest video quality,
and 1 x 720P IP camera with bitrate set to 1024 kbps and 30-day recording capacity requires the
calculation below:
Total Recoding capacity =338 (MB/h) X 24(hours/day) X30(days) X4(channels) + 450 (MB/h) X 24
(hours/day) X30(days) =
64 324000 MB = 972000 ~ 980 GB
2.4. Turning on the power
Connect power cord to the DVR to start the unit. Initialization lasts for approximately 60 seconds.
During this time executing any device functions and pressing any buttons is prohibited. To shut the
device down please use its menu.
OSD menu will be displayed on the VGA monitor default. To switch the OSD display from BNC to
VGA, please press and hold the ESC button.