Development and manufacturing of non-
destructive testing units and system
Ultrasonic Flaw Detector NOVOTEST UD2301
displayed in the selected block. If set "---" for the string "PARAM. 1",
"PARAM. 2", "PARAM. 3", area of the screen corresponded this line
will remain blank.
In one block can be displayed one to three parameters. If selected
only one parameter for display, it will be displayed in large font
(recommended for displaying the main parameter being measured).
If display two or three parameters in a block, font will be reduced
(recommended for the secondary display of measured values).
Setting the sound velocity in the tested object
To properly coordinate measuring defects and measuring the
thickness of the tested object it is necessary to set the speed of
propagation of ultrasonic vibrations in the material of tested object.
To set the velocity of ultrasonic vibrations in the tested object in the
group of parameters "Main" select "VELOCITY" and set the required
The display mode signal as B-Scan
Presentation the results of ultrasonic testing in the form of a cross-
section of the tested object, perpendicular to the surface and parallel
to the direction input sounding. To estimate the amplitude of the
echo signals amplitude there is correlation between echo signals
and color of images. The right side of the display of measurement
results presented color scheme estimates the amplitude echo signal,
where blue is the smallest and red is the highest echo signal
When operating in any of the possible types of scanning user is able
to adjust all the parameters required for optimum performance and
ease visualization of the received echoes. When changing scanning
type A to type B (and vice versa), all settings remain saved.