Guidelines for storing the
NovoPen Junior and
PenFill 3 mL cartridges:
PenFill cartridges should be
stored in a cool place, such
as in a refrigerator, but not
in a freezer.
After the first use of a PenFill
cartridge in the NovoPen
Junior, the NovoPen Junior
(with the PenFill cartridge
inside) can be kept at room
temperature below 86°F
(30°C) for the amount of
days listed in the PenFill
Information For The Patient
leaflet for the type of insulin
you are using.
Do not store the NovoPen
Junior (with the PenFill
cartridge inside) in a
refrigerator or areas where
there may be extreme
temperatures or moisture,
such as in your car.
The expiration date printed
on the cartridge is for
unused cartridges under
refrigeration. Never use the
cartridge after the
expiration date on the
cartridge or its box.
Store the NovoPen Junior
without the NovoFine
needle attached and with
the pen cap in position.
For information on storing
PenFill cartridges, see the
Information For The Patient
leaflet that comes in the
PenFill cartridge box.