OES 2 SP2: Novell Cluster Services 1.8.7 for Linux Administration Guide
7 Ja
ry 201
Schema extension during the
Novell Cluster Services install
In OES 2 Linux, the user who
installs Novell Cluster Services
must have schema extension
In OES 2 SP1 Linux and later, the
schema extension is performed
separately from the Novell
Cluster Services install. A user
with schema extension rights
extends the schema. For
information, see
Section 3.3,
“Extending the eDirectory
Schema to Add Cluster Objects,”
on page 40
Afterwards, any administrator
with sufficient rights can install
Novell Cluster Services. For
information, see
Section 3.4,
“Assigning Install Rights for
Container Administrators,” on
page 41
Yes; the user who installs Novell
Cluster Services must have
schema extension rights.
Forward migration for Novell
Cluster Services
OES 1 SP2 Linux to OES 2 Linux
or later. Down cluster and rolling
cluster upgrade are supported.
NetWare 6.5 SP6 to NetWare 6.5
SP7 or later. Down cluster and
rolling cluster upgrade are
NetWare 6.0 to NetWare 6.5 SP7
or later. Down cluster and rolling
cluster upgrade are supported.
NetWare 5.1 to NetWare 6.5 SP7
or later. Only the down cluster
upgrade is supported.
Cluster conversion from NetWare
to Linux
NetWare 6.5 SP7 or later to OES
2 Linux or later
NetWare 6.5 SP6 to OES 2 Linux
or later
NetWare 6.0 with latest service
packs and patches to OES 2
Linux. Uses the same process as
NetWare 6.5 to OES 2 Linux.
Not applicable
Feature or Capability
Cluster Services for Linux
Cluster Services for NetWare