Send Globals
Press the button to dump the global settings in sysex format.
This option sets where template and global sysex dumps are sent to.
MIDI O/S Send, Receive
Press the buttons below ‘Send’ or ‘Receive’ on the left-hand display to transmit or listen for an operating system (OS)
dump on the MIDI IN and OUT connectors on the back of the SL MkII. You will be asked to confirm that you want to dump
or update the OS before it will transmit or accept an OS dump.
USB1 OS Receive
Press the button below ‘USB1 O/S Receive’ on the left-hand display to prepare the SL MkII to receive an OS sysex dump
from a computer on USB port 1. You will be asked to confirm that you want to update the OS before it will accept an
OS dump.
Drum Pad Calibration Sub Menu - DrumPads
To begin the drum pad calibration press the
up button.
The eight values across the left-hand display correspond to drum pads 1-8. The pad hit velocity value is shown on the
top line (‘---‘ if the pad has not yet been hit) and the calibration value is shown on the bottom line. This first page is for
full velocity (maximum strength hit) calibration:
Hit a pad at full strength to check the current calibration. If the hit velocity value above the pad goes to 127 too easily,
decrease the pad calibration value using the encoder or buttons underneath. This will reduce the sensitivity of the pad,
meaning you need to hit it harder to reach maximum velocity.
Once all 8 drum pads have been set for maximum velocity calibration, press the
up button again for soft hit calibration:
Hit a pad softly and view the hit velocity value. If the value does not update when you hit the pad then the threshold is
too high. Use the encoders to adjust the threshold values. Lowering the threshold will increase the sensitivity of the pad
meaning that it will respond to a softer hit.
Calibration Sub Menu - Calibrate
Joystick Calibration
To calibrate the pitch/mod joystick slowly move it from the centre to fully left, then to fully right and back to the centre
again. Do not force the wheel at the end of its travel. Repeat this and look at the value under ‘Pitch’ on the SL MkII display.
It should now reach 0 when the stick is fully left, 255 when it is fully right and 128 when it is at rest in the centre.
Next slowly move the joystick from the bottom, up to the top and then back to the bottom again. Do not force it at the
end of its travel. Repeat this and look at the value under ‘Mod’ on the SL MkII display. It should now reach 127 when the
joystick reaches the top of its travel and 0 when it reaches the bottom.