Control Edit Overview
Creating and Editing Advanced Mode Templates from the SL MkII.
Please note that we strongly advise you not to edit the Automap template.
To enter Control Edit Mode, Press and HOLD the
button. Now touch or press any control on the SL. The name of the
control you have just touched will be displayed on-screen.
Note that Control Edit will also work for the last-moved control. i.e. move a control, then press and hold edit and you will
see that control on-screen.
When the
button is released you will be able to set which MIDI messages are sent from each control, and how the
control behaves – for example setting a button to toggle between settings or to step through a range.
The control edit menu options are dependant on the type of control and the type of the MIDI message – for example,
options for buttons offer different options than options for encoders.
Full details on how to edit a template on the SL MkII are found in the final chapter of this user guide.
The Global Menu is a set of options that affect the operation of the whole unit.
Options Sub Menu
Memory Protect - MemProt
Ensure this is set to ‘OFF’ if you want to overwrite your Templates. To prevent accidental overwriting of templates,
set this to ON. Global settings can be saved regardless of whether this is set to ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’.
Pot Pick-Up - Pick-Up
This sets the pot and slider response for all controls in all templates: The settings are ON or OFF, they work in the same
way as described on page 22.
Note: Individual controls can have their own Pick-Up settings. The Global setting will be ignored unless the individual control
is set to GLOBAL.
Display Timeout - DispTime
This sets the length of time that temporarily displayed information e.g. keyboard octave setting, remains on the SL MkII
displays. Set the value between 0 and 1260ms, or to ‘PERM’ (permanent).
Keep Values - KeepVals
This applies to Advanced Mode (non-Automap) templates.
If this is set to ‘ON’ then the SL MkII will automatically store the value of each control when you switch away from the
currently selected template and restore those values when you select that template again. If this is set to ‘OFF’ then the
SL MkII will only store control values when you manually
the template.
Touch Select - Touch Sel
When set to on, the SL MkII’s touch sensitivity is active for Automap and all Advanced Templates. Setting this to OFF
means that touching a control no longer displays that control’s row on the LCD screen.