15.3. DDC2B Slave Mode Bus Interface
Enable I
C and INTS: After user clears the ENDDC to ‘0’,
NT6862 will enter into DDC1 mode, and it will switch to
DDC2B SLAVE mode while a low pulse is detected on SCL
line. The DDC2B bus consists of two wires, SCL and SDA;
SCL is the data transmission clock and SDA is the data
line. NT6862 will remind user that the mode has changed
by generating a INTS interrupt. When users set MD1/2 to
'1' at this time, the NT6862 will return back to DDC1 mode.
(For DDC2B please refer to Figure 15.2.) The figure
exhibits what are important in I
C: START signal, slave
ADDRESS, transferred data (proceed byte by byte) and a
STOP signal.
Start condition: When SCL & SDA lines are at HIGH state,
an external device (master) may initiate communication by
sending a START signal (defined as SDA from high to low
transition while SCL is at high state). When there is a
START condition, NT6862 will set the 'START' bit to '1' and
user can poll this status bit to control DDC2B transmission
at any time. This bit will keep '1' until user clears it. After
sending a START signal for DDC2B communication, an
external device can repeatedly send start condition without
sending a STOP signal to terminate this communication.
This is used by external device to communicate with
another slave or with the same slave in different mode
(Read or Write mode) without releasing the bus.
Address matched and INTA0: After the START condition, a
slave address is sent by an external device. When I
C bus
interface changes to DDC2B mode, NT6862 will act as a
receiver first to receive this one byte data. This address
data is 7 bits long followed by the eighth bit (R/W) that
indicates data transfer direction. When the NT6862 system
receives an address data from an external device, it will
store it in the CH0RXDAT register. The system supports
'A0' default address and another one set of addresses
which can be accessed by writting the CH0ADDR register.
Upon receiving the calling address from an external device,
the system will compare this received data with the default
'A0' address and data in the CH0ADDR register. Either of
these address matched, the system will set the INTA0 bit in
the IRQ0 register. If the user sets INTA0 bit to '1' (in
IEIRQ0 register) in advanced and addresses match, the
NT6862 will generate a INTA0 interrupt. Under the address
matching condition, the NT6862 will send an acknowledge
bit to an external device. If address does not match, the
NT6862 will not generate INTA0 interrupt and neglect the
data change on SDA line in the future.
Data transmission direction: In INTA0 interrupt servicing
routine, user must check the LSB of address data in
CH0RXDAT register. According to I
C bus protocol, this bit
indicates the DDC2B data transfer direction in later
transmission; '1' indicates a request for 'READ MODE'
action (external master device read data from system), '0'
indicates a 'WRITE MODE' action (external master device
write data to system). The timing about READ mode and
WRITE mode please refer to Figure 15.3 and Figure 15.4.
The data transfer can proceeded byte by byte in a direction
specified by the R/ W bit after a successful slave address
is received.
The system will switch to either 'READ' mode or 'WRITE'
mode automatically
which is determined by this direction
Figure 15.5. DDC Structure Block
9 bits Shift Register
Compare Logic
DDC2BR [2..0]
Clock Generator
STOP Detector