Northstar NS3300 Pilot
The data display shows one large data cell, two smaller data cells and a data history graph. Each is these
items can be configured to display a range of data types. The graph is useful for analyzing the performance
of the autopilot.
Display area
Big data cell
Customizable data cell. Default: Rudder angle.
Small data
Customizable data cells. Default: Voltage, Pilot Status.
This graph plots data of a period of time. There are two graph
series that can be configured, red and green. Default: Rudder
angle, Course error.
Time base
The time base of the graph can be set from 2 minutes to 1
hour. This is the amount of time it takes for new data to scroll
from the right hand side to the left hand side.
Options menu:
Data setup Enters the data set-up mode. Use the Control Dial to highlight a data cell, press
to display a
list of data types that can be displayed in that cell.
Time base
- Selects the time base of the history graph. Select 2 min, 4 min, 10 min, 20 min or 1 hour
4-4 Display > Data
4-5 Display > Active alarms
Shows a list of the currently active alarms (see section 3-12-2).
Data display