Re-check Cabinet installation for:
Proper space left for Grille installation.
Cabinet levelness.
Door opening and closing appearance.
SAFETY … To prevent unit from tipping forward:
> Are screws installed securely through front Trim into adjoining cabinetry and/or walls?
> Is Cabinet mounting bracket secured to wall studs?
After above checks have been made, proceed with refrigeration installation.
Place module on top of cabinet with the rear shoulder screws resting on the locator brackets behind the front slots.
Slide module toward rear of cabinet until the rear shoulder screws engage the slots in the rear of the brackets. Rest
the front shoulder screws into the front slots of the brackets.
IMPORTANT: Check to make sure wiring and Icemaker tubing is clear and not interfering with module seal.
If possible, do NOT start Product during construction, as dust can block Module condenser coils. If dust
accumulates on coils, vacuum immediately, using a soft brush attachment.
Do not operate the refrigerator in the presence of explosive fumes.
Do not install the refrigerator where the temperature will drop below 60
F (15
C) or rise above 110
C). The compressor will not be able to maintain proper temperatures.
Do not overcrowd the shelves or block cold air ducts. Do not install a shelf closer than 8" from the top in
the refrigerator section. Do not allow packages to overhang sides or rear of shelves as this will block air
circulation, making the refrigerator less efficient.