Northland Corporation
P.O. Box 400
Greenville, Michigan 48838-0400
Installation Checks
Cabinet Mounting Bracket must be installed correctly and anchored to prevent cabinet from
tipping forward.
Rear of Module should be flush with the rear of the cabinet. Module should not stick back
beyond the rear wall of the cabinet.
Module should be engaged in the slots on the Module positioning brackets and seated on the
foam seal without air gaps. Module positioning brackets should not be removed.
All wires from the lower cabinet to Module must be securely connected. If a problem is
suspected, inspect both male and female plugs and insure that terminals in plug are
sufficiently forward to engage.
Cabinet must be level both side to side and front to back. All legs should rest firmly on the
floor. Cabinetry on both sides of the cabinet must be secure and level to prevent the cabinet
from shifting when the doors are opened.
Doors must not hit adjacent walls or counter tops.
Gaskets must seal completely. If gaskets seal well, no further adjustments need to be made.
On models with ice makers, check water connections for leaks. If water is not yet connected,
the plastic water fill tube to the freezer compartment must either be attached to the solenoid or
sealed to prevent air leaking into the cabinet.
Brown and white wires should be connected to the solenoid. The remaining Molexx connector
plugs into the Power Module.
Common Installation Errors
Any air leaks between the module and the cabinet will affect the cabinet from operating
The water supply line and electric outlet must be located in a manner that will not interfere with
Module to cabinet alignment when the unit is pushed into place.
Power cord to outlet sitting under the Power Module will create an air leak.
Ice maker fill tube (plastic) not connected or loose creating a water and/or air leak.
Plugs from cabinet not connected to ice maker and/or Power Module.
Floor under products lower than finished floor making the unit inaccessible for service. Floor
under product must be strong enough to support weight of fully loaded refrigerator.
No 3" removable panel above grill making the Power Module inaccessible for service.
Product not anchored properly (to prevent tipping). Bracket not secured to rear wall studs or
screws through product side trim into adjoining cabinets or walls.