8-8 Testing and maintenance
555-4001-112 Standard 05.01 March 1995
directory numbers and features are deleted from the old LEN and the old
LEN state is set to hardware assigned software unassigned (HASU).
The second step of the process, ASR in, requires the user to plug the set into
any LEN in the HASU state that supports an IVD set. The user goes
offhook or presses the primary directory number (PDN) key and dials the
special ASR in code. This causes the switch to perform the equivalent of a
CKLN SERVORD command on the set again. All directory numbers and
features associated with the set are transferred from the virtual LEN to its
new location.
This feature provides three advantages over the previous system. First, it
avoids the loss of telephone service due to telephone service being in one
location and the set in another location. Second, it reduces the workload of
the service personnel. And finally, the SERVORD command CKLN
provides the user with the ability to complete the ASR in process.
Prior to invoking the ASR process, the following tasks must be
accomplished to allow the ASR to function.
Feature translators ASRI and ASRO must be added to Tables IBNXLA
To use authorization codes, the codes must first be defined in Tables
Table WRDN must be datafilled to accommodate up to 160 specific ASR
DNs that may be added to the table.
To enable a user to relocate a telephone set back into the system, the
system must create a temporary datafill allowing the user to receive dial
tone and dial the ASR in code. To accomplish this, the system must
have a directory number to use, as well as having a customer group set
aside for ASR in use, as described in the following:
- One directory number (DN) must be set aside for ASR in use only.
One DN must be set aside for each set that is relocated at the same
time as other sets are relocated. Up to 1023 DNs may be relocated at
the same time. Therefore, up to 1023 DNs must be set aside for ASR
- A special customer group must be identified for ASR in use only.
This customer group is entered in the system like any other customer
group. However, this special ASR customer group must also be
identified in Table OFCVAR for the entry ASR_CUSTGRP. If the
customer group is not identified for ASR_CUSTGRP, then no sets
can perform the ASR in or ASR out process.