WARNING! After an adaptation to a different gas please remember to:
Apply an indelible sticker on the technical data plate with the data of the new installation.
Fix the new seals on the regulated parts (primary air bushes, nozzles and by-pass screws).
Perform a pressure test of the gas circuit and check for leaks.
Control the right working of the water grill according to these instructions. Verify the good cross
lighting of main burners, stability and aspect of the flames.
Interventions, repairs and replacements (only for authorized technicians)
Even if the appliance is used correctly, some problems may arise for various reasons. The table that
follows mentions some possible problems and some suggestions to put them right.
Before performing any intervention of maintenance, reparation or simple cleaning of the appliance it
is necessary to close the gas supply gate valve at the top of the appliance.
At the end of every intervention of reparation or maintenance to some parts of the appliance relate to
gas, make sure that there are no leaks or losses.
Table 2
Gas Smell
Possible gas loss.
Check external pipes and connections.
Smell of non-burner gas
Check that the combustion is regular.
Check that the consumption of gas is not excessive.
Check that there are not obstructions in the encircled of the warm
Check that aspirant and area ventilation are operating property.
‘Explosions ' in the burners
Check the pressure of the gas.
The pilot burner does not alight.
Ignition plug is faulty, out of place or its electrical wire is
Insufficient gas pressure.
Pilot nozzle is obstructed.
Gas tap is faulty.
The pilot burner flame does not keep alight.
Thermocouple is faulty, it is not well licked up and heated by the
pilot flame.
The main burner is not ignited
Check that there is no leak in the gas supply or any problem with
the nozzle.
Check the components of the burner are well positioned.
Main burners flames are yellow.
Primary air bushes are adjusted in a wrong way.
Burner is dirty.
Components replacements:
To replace faulty components it is necessary to remove cooking grids, radiant elements, water drawers
and frontal and back panels. If necessary, we suggest to overturn the grill. Replacing components, such
as the thermocouple, candle of lighting, is simple and intuitive after having removed the base wall.
In order to operate on the valve, all it takes is removing the handle grip, and the frontal panel.
For the substitution of the valve it is necessary to unscrew the connections in the following order:
First the connection of the thermocouple.
Then the connection of the gas outlet exit gas.
Finally; the connection of entrance gas.
Each main burner is equipped with the following safety device:
Safety thermocouple: in case of pilot flame extinction, the thermocouples cool down and cut off the
gas supply to the main burner. The safety thermocouple is positioned in the pilot group and
connected to the rear part of gas valve (gas tap).