P0873832 Issue 05
CTA 500
dm On Line Guide
Installing Norstar TAPI SP
To use a CTA 500
for TAPI applications, Norstar TSP must be
installed. It can be installed at the same time as the CTA 500
software via the Personal Productivity Suite (PPS) installation
procedure, or it can be installed later from the PPS CD.
The current CTA 500
conÞguration does not support
dynamic bandwidth allocation if you donÕt have access to a
line pool with more than two ISDN lines. When you are
making an MP data call and want to make a voice call at the
same time, lift the telephone handset in order to make a
channel available for the call.
Configure TAPI dialing properties
If you use an access code to get an external line or get a private
network line to make a long distance call (for example, dial 9 before
dialing an external number or dial 6 before dialing a long distance
number), you need to conÞgure the Norstar set attached to the CTA
1. Click the Start button and move the cursor to Settings.
2. Choose Control Panel from the sub-menu.
3. When the Control Panel window displays, double-click the
Telephony icon.
4. When the Telephony Properties window displays, click the
Dialing Properties button.