Nortec AF-22
Replacement of components
Please inform Nortec customer service when you notice a malfunction on the system.
Nortec Humidity Ltd
Spare Parts
– Fri.)
Phone: +1 262 884 4669
8:00 a.m.
– 5:00 p.m.
Customer Service
– Fri.)
Phone: +1 866 667 8321
8:30 a.m.
– 4:30 p.m.
The replacement is to be made only by instructed, trained personnel. The operator is obliged to ensure
that the personnel is suited, has been instructed and trained as required. He is obligated to comply with the
instructions of Nortec in the process, especially the instructions contained in this documentation.
Please inform the people working nearby, that work will be carried out on the air humidification system.
Make sure that the system cannot be switched on unintentionally.