Nortec AF-22
Basic Principles for Planning
The basic principles for planning described below are theoretical ones. In practice, the necessary
humidification capacity is influenced by parameters that cannot be covered by this documentation. For this
reason, the values that were determined in theory have to be complemented by practical values or corrected in
many cases. Our technical service team will be pleased to assist you.
Notes on the planning of air humidification systems in one area
Proceed as follows when selecting and/or dimensioning the air humidification system:
Determining the volume of the room and the air changes
Determining the set points (temperature and humidity/relative humidity)
Determining the humidification areas
Calculating the maximum humidification capacity
Defining the device requirements
Chapter 9 (Appendix) contains all necessary pieces of information on the individual planning steps. For
every planning step, a
calculation example
based on assumed system data has been included. The three
different examples are supposed to illustrate the procedure. Naturally it is not possible to cover all applications by
means of examples. The air humidification system offers a variety of solutions for individual air humidification in a
large variety of rooms.
Nortec distribution and customer service team will be pleased to assist you in case you have any
Telephone: + 1 (262) 884-4669
Notes on the planning of an air humidification system in multiple areas
In Section 9.2.2 you can see a large room that is, however, divided up into two areas of humidification.
When a room has areas with different heat loads or when the number of air changes is not identical for
the entire room, the atomizers are not able to deliver sufficient measuring results. Certain areas would not
be humidified sufficiently and others would be humidified too much. In these cases and similar cases, the
room can be divided up into two areas of humidification.
Notes on the water supply
The Nortec AF-22 is a hygienic system and therefore makes particular demands as far as the water to be
atomized is concerned.
The systems can also be operated using untreated source water, but this involves different risks:
Depending on the quality of the untreated water, operating safety may be impaired
Depending on the quality of the untreated water, hygiene may be impaired (depends on the
organic contamination of the untreated water)
Depending on the quality of the untreated water, a very pronounced mineral precipitation may
occur. These substances contained in untreated water precipitate out of the small droplets
(aerosols) and settle on all surfaces. The functioning of processes and machines may be
impaired and more cleaning needs to be done
We recommend you to always use a Nortec water treatment unit in order to achieve optimal results as far
as hygiene and operating safety are concerned.
All requirements regarding water treatment listed below are extremely important in order to ensure a safe,
hygienic operation. The operator shall ensure that the following requirements are met on a permanent