EMERGENCY OFF Functionality
The EMERGENCY OFF functionality interrupts dispensing on a specific channel; the dispensing sequences of the
other channels are not affected. The EMERGENCY OFF functionality is actuated on a channel by interrupting the
24 V IN_STOP signal on pin 15.
After the EMERGENCY OFF is triggered, a dispensing pulse that has already started either continues to completion
or is interrupted as quickly as possible, depending on the setting entered for the Stop menu option. Refer to
“Entering the Stop Setting” below.
Triggering an EMERGENCY OFF Stop
• In Automatic or CAN mode, use the EMERGENCY OFF mechanism (e.g., break contact) near the dispensing unit.
To use this method of emergency stop, install a break-contact mechanism near the dispensing unit.
Connect the break-contact mechanism to the CONTROLLER IN_STOP input.
• In manual mode, use the EMERGENCY OFF mechanism (break contact) near the dispensing unit and also the
ESC key on the PICO controller for the channel indicated in the display.
Entering the Stop Setting
Use the Stop parameter to configure the EMERGENCY OFF functionality for each valve. From the Main Menu, select
Process Data > Manual Operation > Valve X > Stop and enter the desired setting:
Stop = 0 The EMERGENCY OFF feature of this channel is deactivated as long as Stop = 0. Stop = 0 can be used
for test purposes even without a 24 V signal on pin 15, IN_STOP. However, it is important that there is
a 24 V signal on input pin 17, IN_FAULT_SPS, to start dispensing (refer also to the note under “Output
Impulses” on page 17).
Stop = 1 The EMERGENCY OFF feature is active, the current dispensing pulse is completed in its full length, and
then all other dispensing is ended.
Stop = 2 The EMERGENCY OFF feature is active, the current dispensing pulse is stopped as quickly as possible,
and then all other dispensing is ended.
PICO Controller 2+2-XCH-V2
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+1-401-431-7000 Sales and service of Nordson EFD dispensing systems are available worldwide.