Arbitration Field and Control Field in the CAN Telegram
The standard format for an arbitration field is used for the PICO controller. In the standard format, the arbitration
field and the control field are structured as shown in the following illustration:
Structure of the Identifier, Data Field, and CAN Commands
The identifier is part of a CAN telegram. It is created by the programmer in compliance with the regulations
applicable to the unit. The identifier consists of 11 bits and has the following structure. The bits are transmitted from
left to right:
Bit 10 is the first bit of the identifier to be transmitted.
Bit 10
Bit 9
Bit 8
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Sender Command code, 4-digit
Slave address, 6-digit
Bit 10 informs of the sender of the telegram.
(Master Request: bit 10 = 0; Slave Response: bit 10 = 1)
Bits 9 to 6 contain the command code as a 4-digit binary number.
(Example: Command “Starting valve” = 5 decimal = 5 hexadecimal = 0101 binary)
Bits 5 to 0 contain the slave address (the PICO controller to be actuated) selected and stored as a 6-digit binary
number (maximum of 64 addresses).
(Example: Address = 10 decimal = 0A hexadecimal = 001010 binary)
Byte data
DLC (Data Length Code)
Start of frame
Length of
the fields
in bits
Arbitration filed
Data field
Control field
Byte data
Byte data
RTR bit(Remote Transmission Request)
Recessive: data request
Dominant: data telegram
Data Communication via CAN Bus (continued)
PICO Controller 2+2-XCH-V2
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