Welcome to Vimur – this product book will help you to set up the tent.
There are 2 Vimur models, a 134 cm high, 4.8 m
version and a 206 cm high
5.6 m
version This instruction is valid for both of these.
Vimur has opening at both ends, yet is asymmetric and has a reverse
T-door in the one end including an extendable apsis option. The other
end has the Nordisk triangular signature window option and a complete
D-shaped door opening option. Both ends can be opened completely with
an unobstructed view and functionality. There are two side windows, lo-
cated towards the one end.
Vimur is designed with 5 poles, you can identify the corner poles with a
slight bend on the last segment and the top ridge pole is straight. This
will allow for a solid construction – yet ”pole free” experience allowing
optimal usage and joy. The Vimur can be set up without the ridge pole, yet
the ridge ole offers stability and strength and we suggest you use it.
Please also note that your Vimur can connect and dock with the Nordisk
Midgard tents. Only the signature triangular end can do so and has con-
nection zippers hidden under a flap for that purpose.
See the graphics here to decide direction of your Vimur by identifying the
doors. (tip: in case you want to use your apsis a lot, then point the Sig-
nature triangular window end towards the nice views, or your apsis would
block it).
Second end:
First end:
D-shaped door
Build up instruction - Vimur 4.8 m
& 5.6 m