The Sample Instruments in the list are numbered; these
numbers correspond to what you select with the rotary
encoder in the Osc 2 section in the Nord Wave.
The Sample Instrument gets its name from the name of the
Project that gave birth to it. If a Project has not been saved
– being nameless that is - and you generate a Sample
Instrument, it will get the default name: Untitled. The
name of the Sample Instrument will be shown in the Nord
Wave display, when it is selected. If a Sample Instrument is
uploaded to the computer hard drive, the resulting .nwi file
name will be same as the SI name. Change the file name,
and the SI name is also changed when that file is down-
loaded to the Nord Wave.
Note: Two Sample Instruments in the Nord Wave
cannot have the same name, so if you happen to gen-
erate two Sample Instruments without having saved
the Projects, then the second Sample Instrument
called Untitled will overwrite the first one that had
that same name. If you try to drag an .nwi file from
the hard drive to the list and it has the same name as
a SI in the list, that operation will not be allowed and
you’ll get a notice about this in the message area on
the footer in the Manager window.
File Types and Names
Files associated with the Nord Wave and the Nord Wave
Manager use the following extensions:
.nwiproj – Nord Wave Project file
This is a file containing the Project settings. Audio files are
not included in this file - any changes to the original audio
files will affect you project. This file type will be created
when you save a Project.
These files will be needed if you want to change any set-
tings in a particular Sample Instrument at a later stage, so
save often and keep copies in a safe location.
.nwi - Nord Wave Instrument file
This is a file containing the cropped and encoded audio
and the Project settings for one Sample Instrument.
This file type will be created and saved to the hard drive
when you generate a Sample Instrument from the Instru-
ment menu (or with the Generate button in the Manger
You can also create .nwi files when you upload Sample
Instruments from the Nord Wave, in the Nord Wave tab in
the Manager.
Use this file type to share Sampled Instruments with other
Nord Wave users. The .nwi file can not be opened or edited;
it can only be down- or uploaded to and from a Nord Wave.
To edit any content or setting in a Sample Instrument
you must go back to the original Nord Wave Project file
(.nwiproj), do the edits there and then re-generate the
Sample Instrument. An .nwi file may or may not contain the
Program settings that you wish to include with the SI.
In order for these settings to be included, you need to get
the settings from the Wave from within the Manager ap-
plication. read more on this at page 47.
A Sample Instrument gets its name from the Project name.
If you look at the Nord Wave LCd when you scroll through
the SI:s with the OSC2 LEd-dial, you will see that name, but
also other groups of characters in the second row.
This is a naming convention that you can use if you rename
the file name on the computer hard drive and then down-
load the SI.s again to the Nord Wave. The file name can
include three character groups and these will be entered in
the following order: name_description_revision.nwi
The groups are separated by the underscore character.
The name will appear in the first LCd row (maximum of 16
characters), the description and revision in the second row
(also a maximum of 16 characters in total).
.nwp - Nord Wave Program file
This is a file containing the Program settings from one
program in the Nord Wave. It does not contain any Sample
When you share a custom Program using a custom Sample
Instrument, you need to share both the .nwp and an .nwi
file. If you upload a Program file to the computer hard
drive, you may rename the computer file.
This will then give the Program a new name if it is down-
loaded to the Wave, as it appears in the LCd (and the Nord
Wave tab in the Manager).
Indicates the size of the Sample Instrument. This may be
useful if you are short on memory and wants to know if
a particular SI occupies a certain amount of space in the
Flash memory.
To be documented.
Indicates the date and time when the Sample Instrument
was saved after its latest edit.
The Nord Wave tab has some file management functions in
the footer area.
Delete file
If a Sample Instrument is selected in the list and you click
on delete, it will be erased from the Flash memory without
any confirmation request. The space that the deleted SI
occupied is not immediately available to other SI:s, even
though it is gone from the list and its location is free. The
Flash memory needs to be cleaned to get rid of any de-
leted samples in order to free up the space.
Clean Deleted Space
This function will clean up the space where any deleted
SI:s where. If nothing has been deleted, this button will be
blanked out. deleted space that hasn’t been cleaned yet
will be indicated with yellow color in the Memory Indicator.
This is a radical function; it will format the entire Flash
memory and prepare it for some brand new content. You
will be asked to confirm your intentions.
Memory Indicator
This will give you a numerical and a visual indication of
how the Flash memory space is being used. red indicates
the spaced used by the samples, yellow is space from
deleted samples, but not yet available since it hasn’t been
cleaned and green is the space that free to use for new
Sample Instruments.
Program lists
When Programs is selected in the Nord Wave tab drop-
down, the window will be divided in two identical lists.
There are two lists, simply to make it easy to move pro-
grams from one location to another.