5. Press ESC to go back to the MAIN MENU and select the recording
mode you want to use.
6. After selecting the recording mode (self-trigger, bar graph, combo, saved
settings), use the EDIT option to view the operating parameters. After
you have reviewed these, the LCD will display MONITOR or EDIT.
7. Turn the unit OFF. Timer mode will then be active and turn ON and OFF
at the set times.
If the unit is turned ON, the LCD will display a message that the unit is in
timer mode. Press ENTER and another message will ask if timer mode
should be cancelled. Press YES if you want to cancel timer mode and
operate the unit normally. Press NO to wait for the programmed start time
and the unit will automatically turn OFF.
If you want to check the timer mode settings while the unit is turned ON, go
to the HELP menu and select TIMER MODE. The settings will display and
you can cancel or keep these settings.
NOTE: 1) The start time must always be earlier than the stop time. 2) You
cannot use Timer Mode when the current time is between the start and stop