About this document
This documentation set provides information about safety, features and functionality, ordering,
hardware installation and maintenance, and software installation procedures of this ONT for the
current release.
Intended audience
This documentation set is intended for planners, administrators, operators, and maintenance
personnel involved in installing, upgrading, or maintaining the ONTs.
The reader must be familiar with general telecommunications principles.
Safety information
For your safety, this document contains safety statements. Safety statements are given at points
where risks of damage to personnel, equipment, and operation may exist. Failure to follow the
directions in a safety statement may result in serious consequences.
Safety Information Examples
Danger indicates that the described activity or situation may result in serious personal injury or
death; for example, high voltage or electric shock hazards.
Equipment Damage
Warning indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause equipment damage or
serious performance problems.
Service Disruption
Caution indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause service interruption.
A note provides information that is, or may be, of special interest.
Acronyms and initialisms
The expansions and optional descriptions of most acronyms and initialisms appear in the glossary
About this document
Nokia ONT
Nokia – Proprietary and Confidential
Use pursuant to applicable agreements
December 2020
Issue 1