CCS Technical Documentation
Troubleshooting Instructions RF
Issue 1 03/2003
Nokia Corporation Confidential
Page 41
Repeat for GSM1900
Note: This calibration requires a lot of different frequencies from the generator. If you
have a signal generator with a frequency list option you can with advantage use Auto
Tuning (Dwell should be around 10 ms).
Tx Tuning
Phoenix menu: Select Maintenance, Tuning,Tx Power Level Tuning
Settings and considerations for tuning with a spectrum analyzer:
A DC block and at least 10 dB attenuator should be used on the RF input port to protect
the spectrum analyzer.
The burst power should be measured, so a span of 0 Hertz is used.
Span: 0 Hertz
Resolution Bandwidth 1 MHz
Video Bandwidth 1 MHz